Worcester & Wychavon Bin Collection Bot

Worcester Council Bot Navigating through many pages of a web site to get to up to date information can be a bit of a chore, often leading to frustration sometimes a phone call. "Bertie", the Bin Collection Bot uses Conversational AI to help citizens of Worcester and Wychavon get to their bin collection dates in just a few seconds.

"Bertie" can ask questions of the user to help them get to the information they need. The more information the user gives to "Bertie" in their initial question, the fewer questions Bertie will ask of the citizen.

Public data sources are interrogated and enriched in real-time to return only the information that was asked for. Only interested in your garden bin? Tell "Bertie", and you simply get garden bin information!

Bertie Enhanced

Bertie has also been expanded to cater for questions around "Report It" and "Recycling". In this more intelligent version of Bertie, features such as "Report It" and "Recycling" questions are catered for, giving the citizens the abilty to:

  • Report information such as a missing bin
  • Find Recycle Center opening times, directions and recycling facilities

  • Bertie's Key Features

    Easy to Navigate - Bertie gives examples at the start of each conversation to help and guide the user

    Always Up to Date - Accesses public data sources in real-time meaning answers are always up to date

    Disambiguation - Not specific enough in your answer? Bertie will try and help with some potential answers

    Less is More - Bertie does not flood you with lots of information. Only want to know about your recycling bin? Bertie will respond with just that information

    Mult-channel Capabilities - Simple interactions lend themselves to different channels of engagement. Bertie could easily be deployed across SMS, WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger